Submitting Hunt Results

Hunt Results Deadline
Please submit all Hunt Results to be considered for publication no later than the 1st of the prior cover month. Email address is

Cell phone pictures are perfect, screenshots are not. Pictures that are already on a website are not acceptable. If you aren’t sure please read the information on sending photos.

Hunt Results

There are a couple of different ways you can choose to submit your trial results

If you can type the results that would be great;)  The format is: Dog Class, Judges, and then the places {Place – Dog Name (sire x dam) O/ H/ } it would look like NBQ – Ozzy (IFCLP x pe) O/ Bn H/ akr.

But you could take a close-up and clear picture of the field trial form – please lay the form flat, get close with the camera so that the form fits in the camera frame. If you can’t read it in the photo then I can’t read it when I get it, 🙂 just sayin.

Your 3rd choice is send us hard copy of the results in the mail

About Photos for Results

Send Photos via email – Please try to send us a “raw photo” that is one straight from the camera without resizing  or filtering in the original size if possible Then name the photos like 13 females 15 females 13 males 15 males then attach all photos as files in an email.

You can send them all in 1 email if named correctly or you can email class with their picture one at a time in seperate emails.

And please send them as soon as you can because I must have the results finished by the 1st of the month. But if you miss this month there is always next month- so just send them in at anytime.

Also, please accurately name the photo – bob’s dog and not photo 1. Please zoom in when taking the photo so we can see faces, and do not crop the photo yourself or reduce the size.

The important club photos should be named and we appreciate you referencing your ad when submitting the results of the hunt. When taking club photos please place trophies on the back of the table and the dog in front of them so we can see the whole dog and not really the trophy.